First steps =========== Those instructions assume that you have followed the :doc:`installation instructions `. Starting and stopping lightsd ----------------------------- lightsd listens for UDP traffic from the bulbs on ```` port ``udp/56700``. Mac OS X ~~~~~~~~ .. note:: This warning will be displayed the first time you start lightsd after an install or upgrade: .. image:: /images/mac_os_x_startup_warning.png :width: 500px Click Allow, lightsd uses the network to communicate with your bulbs. Start lightsd with: :: launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.lightsd.plist Stop lightsd with: :: launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.lightsd.plist Check how lightsd is running with: :: ps aux | grep lightsd Read the logs with: :: tail -F `brew --prefix`/var/log/lightsd.log Try to :ref:`toggle your lights ` and read on some of the examples bundled with lightsd. Linux (systemd) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start lightsd with: :: systemctl start lightsd Stop lightsd with: :: systemctl stop lightsd Enable lightsd at boot: :: systemctl enable lightsd Check how lightsd is running with: :: ps aux | grep lightsd Read the logs with: :: journalctl -x -f _SYSTEMD_UNIT=lightsd.service Try to :ref:`toggle your lights ` and read on some of the examples bundled with lightsd. Linux (System V style) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start lightsd with: :: /etc/init.d/lightsd start Stop lightsd with: :: /etc/init.d/lightsd stop Check how lightsd is running with: :: ps aux | grep lightsd The logs will be logged to `syslogd(8)`_. .. _syslogd(8): OpenWRT (procd) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start lightsd with: :: /etc/init.d/lightsd start Stop lightsd with: :: /etc/init.d/lightsd stop Enable lightsd at boot: :: /etc/init.d/lightsd enable Check how lightsd is running with: :: pgrep -l lightsd Read the logs with: :: logread -e lightsd -f Try to :ref:`toggle your lights ` and read on some of the examples bundled with lightsd. Manually (other systems) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Assuming you've just built :ref:`lightsd from the sources `, lightsd will be in the ``core`` directory [#]_. The examples are communicating with lightsd through a pipe or an Unix socket, start lightsd with them: :: core/lightsd -c pipe -s socket From another terminal, check how lightsd is running with: :: ps aux | grep lightsd You can stop lightsd with ^C (ctrl+c). Checkout the :ref:`examples `. .. [#] ``build/core`` if you start from the root of the repository. .. _cli: Command line options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: Usage: lightsd ... [-l,--listen addr:port [+]] Listen for JSON-RPC commands over TCP at this address (can be repeated). [-c,--command-pipe /command/fifo [+]] Open an unidirectional JSON-RPC command pipe at this location (can be repeated). [-s,--socket /unix/socket [+]] Open an Unix socket at this location (can be repeated). [-d,--daemonize] Fork in the background. [-p,--pidfile /path/to/pid.file] Write lightsd's pid in the given file. [-u,--user user] Drop privileges to this user (and the group of this user if -g is missing). [-g,--group group] Drop privileges to this group (-g requires the -u option to be used). [-S,--syslog] Divert logging from the console to syslog. [-F,--syslog-facility] Facility to use with syslog (defaults to daemon, other possible values are user and local0-7, see syslog(3)). [-I,--syslog-ident] Identifier to use with syslog (defaults to lightsd). [-t,--no-timestamps] Disable timestamps in logs. [-h,--help] Display this. [-V,--version] Display version and build information. [-v,--verbosity debug|info|warning|error] or, --prefix Display the install prefix for lightsd. or, --rundir Display the runtime directory for lightsd. .. _toggle: Toggle your lights ------------------ :: `lightsd --prefix`/share/lightsd/examples/toggle Or, from the root of the repository: :: examples/toggle Here is the source code of this example, it uses a small client —— the next section covers it: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/toggle :language: sh .. _examples: Using ---------------- ``_ is a small shell script that wraps a few things around lightsd' command pipe. Once you've sourced it with: :: . `lightsd --prefix`/share/lightsd/ Or, from the root of the repository: :: . share/ You can use the following variable and functions to send commands to your bulbs from your current shell or shell script: .. data:: LIGHTSD_COMMAND_PIPE By default lightsc will use ``$(lightsd --rundir)/pipe`` but you can set that to your own value. .. describe:: lightsc method [arguments…] Call the given :ref:`method ` with the given arguments. lightsc display the generated JSON that was sent. .. describe:: lightsc_get_pipe Equivalent to ``${LIGHTSD_COMMAND_PIPE:-$(lightsd --rundir)/pipe}`` but also check if lightsd is running. .. describe:: lightsc_make_request method [arguments…] Like lightsc but display the generated json instead of sending it out to lightsd: with this and lightsc_get_pipe you can do batch requests: .. note:: Keep in mind that arguments must be JSON, you will have to enclose tags and labels into double quotes ``'"likethis"'``. The command pipe is write-only: you cannot read any result back. Examples: Build a batch request manually: .. pygmentize sucks on heredocs: :: tee $(lightsc_get_pipe) <` to see everything you can do! .. .. vim: set tw=80 spelllang=en spell: